The Photo
It's one of those times when the chaos, the suffering, the uncertainty all are getting to me. Really getting to me. We have worldwide weather extremes and global unrest. Closer to home, we have Joe Biden's worrisome age and Congressional Republican trouble-making. A certain disruptive former President is constantly in the news.
Five nights ago, the high school football game going on at the corner of our street had to be stopped by police because a student from the other school had brought a gun to the game, a gun with a two loaded magazines and 31 rounds of ammunition.
Three of my friends are going through seemingly interminable emotional pain, three totally different kinds of pain, none of which I can begin to imagine. I do what I can to support them; nothing, of course, is enough.
Last week this photo* appeared in my Facebook feed; it is "the University of Greenwich with the Royal Observatory on the hillside in the background, the home of Greenwich Mean Time and the Prime Meridian of the world." I found that I was repeatedly returning to look at it and couldn't think why.
Then it dawned on me: it is a place that represents unwavering truth, consistency, stability, all of the things I/we need right now.
*Photo unashamedly lifted from the FB feed of my friend, who will be glad that I have found so much meaning in it.
Blessings, Dotti inCT
It's Mr. Biden for us, too, as anything else is unthinkable. Hold onto this from the Constitution of the United States of America, 14th Amendment, Section 3. Read it and hope.
May peace prevail on earth and may kindness become rampant!
It is a sad, upsidedown time in our country. It is hard to think what to do.
Be gentle with yourself.