At It Again

One of my favorite lay theologians is at it again.  Laurie has written a thoughtful and soul-searching post that spoke to me.  Loudly.  You can check it out here.

And, BTW, my photo to the left is not a picture of Laurie.  It's the safest option that appeared when I Googled "blonde woman with cowboy hat."


*karendianne. said…
Damn. That sure makes a girl think, eh?
Three Birds Inspired said…
Good one, Nancy! Thanks for the link. Strangely, I was thinking about this very subject early this morning.
Janet O. said…
Very thought-provoking, Nancy.
OT Quilter said…
Thanks, Nancy, for reminding me that there are bigger things to ponder than what color border to put on my quilt.
Yuki said…
Looks like you touched a nerve there. Good for you. Gets folks thinking.

ttfn :) Yuki