Quilty Stuff

I've finished hand quilting this little baby quilt.  You remember, the one that was to be for a Thanksgiving Sunday baby shower and then I found out that Tom and Anastasia had a baby coming in the spring and I needed to keep this Mayfly Madness quilt for that baby.  I still love this little quilt so much.

The replacement quilt for the T'g shower baby is at the machinist's at present and I'll have it back in fewer than two weeks, so I'll have enough time to get it bound before the event.

Last night I picked up two quilts from the machinist and as soon as Pictures at an Exhibition is bound, I'll be binding them and photographing them.

I had a pleasant voice mail this week from our LQS.  They have a policy that if you bring your own bag to the shop they give you a ticket to fill out and once each month a ticket is drawn from that month's shoppers to receive a gift certificate from the shop.  I've been filling out tickets for months and months and this just happened to be my month!  So I'll be off to the shop later today to see what I need from them.  They've recently started carrying Aurifil thread and I know I need a different color of that -- I've really liked using the white that I purchased a month or so ago.

And, on a non-quilty front, I just thought I mention that I made these pancakes this morning (photo from internet, not my kitchen).  I'd impulsively picked up the mix a few weeks back and we've found it to be delicious!  I need to go get another box because I want to cook these for my houseguests on Thanksgiving morning.  They are wonderful made just the way the box says to make them, equally wonderful with Eggbeaters substituted for the egg, and I'm thinking that a handful of toasted pecans wouldn't hurt a bit.  No affiliation, yadda yadda; just a smiling customer.


Janet O. said…
I, too, love Mayfly Madness. I printed out the directions when you posted them and I have them tucked in with a collection of fabrics I had been saving to make a baby quilt someday. Very special that you hand quilted it. Looks lovely.
Congrats on the win at the LQS! How fun--wish my LQS did that. I take my own bag all the time and I never see anyone else there with their own--I'd be a shoe-in!! : )
I've made pumpkin pancakes before, but didn't know there was a mix for them. Wish they had it around here. They are sure good, but more work than I want in the morning when I have to do it from scratch.
Paula, the quilter said…
You've been busy. I wish I could get DH to try something new because that mix looks interesting. He is such a stick-in-the-mud.
Chookyblue...... said…
nice quilt.........you'll be busy busy binding.........
antique quilter said…
congrats on the win and oh I love pumpkin pancakes I need to go buy a box of those!!!
beautiful baby quilt so special that you hand quilted it.
Pat said…
I'm so glad Mayfly Madness will stay in the family! Glad you won the gift certificate. Love that Aurifil! My colors of choice are the really light beige and a light gray. You can't beat it for bobbin thread -- I'd swear you get get at least 1 third more thread in the bobbin that with other threads, and it makes very little lint.

I've never however both you and my daughter are slowly but surely turning me around. That pancake mix looks excellent!

"egeshls": what Egebtrs don't have.
LizA. said…
Love Mayfly madness. And the pumpkin pancake mix--I had to buy some after you mentioned it afew weeks ago--yummy! Dh didn't think he would like them but he was pleasantly surprised. Thank you for sharing their goodness...
Susan said…
That's a great baby quilt! I love the colors, and they will, too. And Tom and Anastasia! Fabulous!