Thanksgiving, 2011

 "Getting to Know You" -- Tom, Nate, and Blackberry

"Got the turkey out of the oven, now to make the gravy."

Brothers and cousins take on the problems of the world; a very solemn conversation.

Grandpop loves Eli.  Eli loves Grandpop.

"How do I get this horse into third gear?"


Anonymous said…
Looks to me as if you had a very special family Thanksgiving. Those little boys are sooooo cute!
Salem Stitcher said…
Beautiful, happy, sweet faces!
Mrs. Goodneedle said…
Love, love, love the pictures of the little ones; and, of course, Blackberry, too!
Pat said…
Bet that turkey was delish! My, how they are growing!!
Janet O. said…
Precious little ones, Nancy.
antique quilter said…
tooooo cute!
great picture of the brothers and their children
Lori said…
What a lovely family!!