Mary posted this picture of her friend Anne's quilt a short time ago and I couldn't get it out of my mind!  I knew it was only a matter of time before I had a go at it, though I didn't know what form it was going to take.  I could see that it was made from HSTs, something I generally produce like a virus.  After I finished Good Morning Starshine, I put together a couple of baby quilt tops using the batik scraps and Kona snow.  I ended up with a bunch of extra HSTs from trimming the blocks.  And over the weekend, I knew exactly what to do with them!  I'd put them up on the wall in the pattern, but in random order, and liked them very much.  But I wasn't sure about that random order.  Then it hit me: they needed to merge from one into the next.  Like DNA.

So, friends, here is DNA, as far as it goes.  My HSTs aren't anywhere near as large as Anne's.  Mine finish at 2".  I need to put some more white around it and then some sort of a border and then it will be yet another baby quilt.

But so far?  I'm lovin' it just the way it is.


I may have to try that one too. I always have a box of leftover HST. I love the color sequence in yours.
LoieJ said…
It is a cheerful rendition of something that could go either really traditional or really contemporary.
Diane said…
I'm loving it too!
Janet O. said…
Oh, Nancy, I love the way you have shaded these. What a cool looking quilt!
LizA. said…
Love it. What a happy baby quilt.
pcflamingo said…
Love it so much! Very cute idea :D
Salem Stitcher said…
Very cool looking! Now I know what I'll eventually do with the pile of HSTs on my cutting table!
Helen said…
I absolutely LOVE it!
Quiltdivajulie said…
Love the color shifting qualities of your version ... glad you are loving it, too.
Judi said…
Nancy, this is brilliant! Looks like I may have to be a copy cat - again!
Denise in PA said…
What a great quilt, Nancy! And your colors are fantastic - love it!
Deb said…
I'm going to have to try this too! Not a huge fan of HST's but this is really cute....who would have thought!
Unknown said…
This is a seriously nifty design - soooo effective :) Love , love, love it!!! (Consider it stored away for future reference - thanks)
I just saw this on pinterest ! I LOVE IT ! thanks !
Sheila said…
just saw this on Pinterest, i have a box of rainbow charm squares just waiting for the right inspiration.. i may just have found it, thanks for posting
Anonymous said…
i thought this was an unusual pattern and I loved it. will try to make it but what does HST stand for?
Luann said…
HST stands for Half Square Triangles. Pattern is really great.
Liz said…
it looks beautiful. The idea for baby quilts esp in leftovers is great. Thanks for the great idea!
Wendy said…
I love this!! it is simple but looks so intricate!.... Great Job!

Anonymous said…
How do I get the pattern for this dna quilt?
