At Last! A Diagnosis!

I suffer from delight in Multiple Project Disorder!


Miriam said…
Ha!!! Me too!! :)

I'm sure its contagious!
Janet O. said…
Is that what it's called? Even though it can be difficult to live with, isn't it nice to finally know what it is? : )
Anonymous said…
Thank you for giving a name to my disorder. Now I know that I'm not alone. Thanks for sharing.
LizA. said…
Aahhhhh, so that's my problem. Glad to know I'm in good company.
Yes, that would be me two, or three, or forty seven!
Barbara Anne said…
What a hoot! I've got it, too, and it's just part of the joys of quilting. We're in good company. Methinks my total is about about 26 after I spent a couple of years trying to cut the original number of UFOs.

*kd. said…
Delightful. Let us celebrate!
pretty sure my case is terminal....LOL
Lorraine said…
Always nice to have a name for the "disorder"...I feel so much better now :)
Quiltdivajulie said…
OMG - too too too funny (and it fits me to a "T")
Nann said…
What is the prescribed treatment regimen?
suz said…
finally, a name for my problem! Not entirely sure I want a cure yet!
Anonymous said…
OMG.... I blogged on this today. What a coincidence!