Thank You

A little more than a month ago, I wrote a blog post about a brave and caring young woman from my church. She had gone to spend several months in India, working with an organization dedicated to improving the lives of women in that country.

I wrote about Sambhali Trust's goal of giving each of their graduating women a sewing machine so that she could sew for her own family and also possibly begin to earn money by sewing for others. $65 would purchase a hand-crank sewing machine in India. They had twenty machines and needed twenty more. Mindful of how important sewing has been in my life, I quickly told my friend I would pay for a machine and would ask my Circle at church if we could use some of our outreach funds to purchase a second.

I was naive.

I did not count on the generosity of my Circle sisters, many of whom responded that they would individually cover the cost of a sewing machine.

I was very, very naive.

I did not even think of the generosity of my blog readers and my Facebook friends, who filled my inbox with requests of where they should send their money. Within a few short days, commitments had come in to purchase nearly thirty sewing machines for our Indian sisters.

Today fifty women graduated from the empowerment class. Fifty women each received a sewing machine. Fifty women now have a future.

I am overwhelmed tonight, overwhelmed by the generosity and support of the people I know. Overwhelmed to have been a part of this effort, to have helped my friend to make a difference for the Indian women she went to serve. Overwhelmed, thankful, and filled with a tremendous joy.

This might be the best Christmas ever.


Pat said…
Sometimes all you need to do is ask : )
incredible....a hand up is always better than a hand out any day...
Millie said…
The internet is a very powerful tool. I am glad to be a part of this story.
Janet O. said…
This gave me chills, Nancy. Thank you!
Lori said…
Praise the Lord! That is so awesome! I've got a Christmas miracle happening too and I hope to be able to share soon.
Barbara Anne said…
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LoieJ said…
Wonderful. God's work, our hands, to borrow a phrase.
Karla said…
It truly is a miracle! Wow, I came home last night after being away for a weekend to 2 more donations. One was a second time donor in honor of her co-workers, another from a friend of mine who lives miles away. My heart swells with joy! So many lives touched! Goes to show you how the power of one drop can become a waterfall!
Thank you Nancy!
suz said…
wonderful - thank you for letting us know about this and have a wonderful Christmas!