Jaime's Wedding Quilt

We moved to Near Philadelphia twenty-six years ago, and it was in that first year that I met Jaime's mom, Kathy. Kathy and seven or eight others make up the group of women called the Good Guys. When offspring of Good Guys marry, I make them quilts for their wedding gifts. Of course, as these kids grow up, they develop their own taste. Sometimes I know what kind of a quilt will be right; other times I have to check with their moms. I like to get the quilts done well before the time of the wedding. I thought I had Jaime's wedding gift finished a few months ago -- http://nancynearphiladelphia.blogspot.com/2006/09/great-william-morris-baskets-quilt.html -- but I was mistaken. That particular quilt needed to stay in my living room. So I was back to square one (in a manner of speaking) as far as a quilt for Jaime was concerned.
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Kathy had said that Jaime's taste was "Pottery Barn," and I just felt in my gut that William Morris fabrics were what Jaime should have. I had some green William Morris blocks that I liked pretty much. So I set them on point and made narrow lattice out of a nice green batik and cornerstones from a peach-and-green William Morris print. For the border I found a terrific large green leafy print that was very reminiscent of William Morris designs. The quilt went together with no problems, even with that narrow lattice and those tiny cornerstones. I'm eager to give it to its new owner.
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Branky did the quilting for me. As usual, I told her that she would know better than I did what form that quilting should take. And I was right. She chose this absolutely perfect William Morris like vine and quilted it all over.
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Jaime and Dennis will be married in about six weeks. It will be a very special day indeed. Not only is it their wedding day but also my birthday!
This is a wonderful quilt. I love those William Morris fabrics.
Kathy B