Merry Christmas, Dear Sister

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Several months ago I took a Stack and Whack class. The night that we selected our fabric, I looked and looked at the vast selection our LQS had to offer. Kept coming back to the same print, a sage green background with cardinals, berries, and greens. It was gorgeous. Trouble was, however, that it looked like fabric Bonnie would choose, rather than fabric I would pick. Well, I gave in to what my gut was telling me, believing that it was high time I had a Christmasy quilt for myself.
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The day of the final class, I returned home with four completed blocks. Guess who stopped by that night? Yup. And she just loved the fabric. So much.
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This was one of those occasions where a widdle white lie was called for. I spoke about how many UFOs I had and the pressures I was under to get a couple of wedding quilts finshed. No way I could get back to the Stack and Whack until January at the earliest. I'd be sure to let her know how it went when I resumed.
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And then I got busy. Contacted dear Branky for a quilting date and stacked and whacked and assembled and got it off to her. When it came back, I was so delighted with her craft. She'd quilted ribbons, holly leaves, even poinsettia petals in the quilt. And today it becomes Bonnie's. Merry Christmas, Dear Sister. Merry Christmas to you!