Last night was the sixth-or-seventh Annual Unwanted Gift Exchange at Doris's. Even my current plague and laryngitis couldn't keep me from this wonderful event. Six cousins, intent on nothing other than laughter, gathered for a delicious dinner followed by the telling of stories, and the reading of some captivating newspaper clippings (including the sale of a property by an individual named Fang Fang). I thought it appropriate to share with the group the lovely rendition of "Carol of the Bells" that George had sent me earlier in the week. If you've not heard it, you can find it here
http://www.fullervoice.com/cluck/bells/play.html and I urge you to do just that. But enough with the digression.
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At last we moved on to the enticing gaily wrapped packages on the coffee table. The gifts were varied this year and included a bad plastic (?) teapot, impressive hand-crafted wooden chicken with an astonished look (perhaps a reject from the Carol of the Bells auditions), and a container of "Soak Your Tired Old Ass" Bath Salts, among others. This photograph is of the sculpture I received and unwillingly brought home. Perhaps it is a case of The Less Said, The Better.
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Moving right along, this photo is of a gift I received from my Secret Sister. I just love it. The package appeared in our doorway on the day after Christmas in the standard surreptitious Secret Sister fashion. It may be that if you click on the photo, you'll be able to read the inscription. But if you can't, what it says is, "You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm."
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Obviously, Secret Sister knows me all too well. I do these things all the time. With enthusiasm.
The angel is wonderful, and I'd say your SS knows you well!