A Quick Trip to Cape May

Cape May, NJ, is about two hours from Near Philadelphia. That's if Joe is driving. If I drive it is more like two and a half hours. It is where we have gone for many years for refreshment. We generally stay at the same B&B, The Mainstay Inn. We've been there so many times that we can settle in very quickly. The picture to the left is what The Mainstay will look like in another 6 or 7 weeks, I guess. We drove down on Saturday, leaving after noon, and arriving around three o'clock. Tea is served promptly at four and is not to be missed. Joe had a nap and I went out to the counted cross stitch shop -- I'd bonded a couple more of the Garden blocks and needed floss for applique.
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This time we stayed in the Harrison Room, where we'd not stayed before. If we go for more than one night, we like one of the larger rooms, but this time the smaller, less expensive room was just fine. It was very comfortable, and the adjoining bathroom was nearly as big as the room itself!
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I'd brought along my book and my applique work. It was nice enough to take our tea out on the porch on Saturday.
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We weren't able to get into our favorite restaurant, but our second choice was excellent. We've become fond of the East Lynne Theatre Company that is based in Cape May, and we attended their performance on Saturday night. Sunday brought painting for Joe, shopping and stitching and reading for me. Around mid-day we headed back home, the prospects of same made sweeter by knowing we were having dinner with Sam!


Ms. Jan said…
What a lovely place, Nancy. Nice to see it after hearing about it all these years.
Pam said…
What a pretty B&B. I can see why you would go back there. Looks like just walking inside would start the Rest and Relaxation process :))
Mrs. Goodneedle said…
Awww... now I want tea and a nap, too!