Besides Wagner's opera music, the music from "Carmen" has always been a favorite. I always turn up the radio when the Bizet's Suite is playing. Unlike people who actually go to the opera, I don't envision scenes from the performance when I hear the music.
Just to show you how old I really am, for a long time I would see scenes from the original, Walter Matthau version, of "The Bad News Bears," which used the Carmen music as the background. It was a fine movie, and the music was perfect.
Then in the late '80s, everything changed. My kids got a device that hooked up to the television and you could play games on it. It was called Nintendo, and it was foreign to me. But one night one of them said, "Here, Mom, try this. You'll like it. It's called Tetris."
My first and only insight into addiction. Tetris consumed me! I played during the day when they were at school and my work was finished. I played during the homework hour at night. I couldn't get enough of it. I would see the shapes floating down before my eyes at the most unlikely times. When I won, a wonderful selection from "Carmen" would play and fireworks would go off around the onion domes. It was glorious.
I'm not sure how it came to an end, but it did, and order resumed in our household. I note through Google that there are computer versions available. I don't dare get one: Either I'd get hooked again and chaos would resume or -- worse -- I'd discover that the charm was gone.
But golly I miss it whenever I hear that music.
p.s. I used to dream of the shapes! That's when I knew I'd gone a bit too far. Giving it up for Lent one year was PAINFUL!
Work verification "zomenje" -- the Balkan undead
My connotations to Opera (& the like) involve figure skaters...
Prepare a delicious Italian meal complemented with some good Italian wine and play Italian opera while consuming....I guarantee, it's SO romantic!
Word verification: Windevi, Italian window cleaner!
word verification: psylog - a creature who lives with trolls under bridges