Catching Up

In my last post, I told of a young friend who has traveled to India to make a difference in the lives of a group of oppressed women. She wrote in her blog that twenty sewing machines ($65) each were needed for her students so that they would have a way to make an income, my spirit was moved to help. $65 means a real difference for an Indian woman, and I happily offered to provide one. Moreover, I asked my Circle sisters if we could use Circle funds to provide another. And I blogged about it.

Friends, my Circle sisters and my blog readers responded in spades. Within twenty-four hours I had received promises of more than two dozen sewing machines -- enough to cover my friend's students and to begin an inventory for the next class. I was astonished, though I shouldn't have been. Circle sisters and blog readers can be overwhelmingly generous. On behalf of my young friend, thank you so much. If you are one who promised a sewing machine and have not received the details on how to do this, please email me.

In other news, I finished my job at The Little Church on Thursday. We left that afternoon for three days and nights at our favorite decompression spot: Cape May, New Jersey. We relaxed, ate, enjoyed the company of two pair of old friends, walked, read, napped, shopped; Joe brought along his easel and watercolors and painted for quite a while. I am about three items from being totally finished with my Christmas shopping, and finished an entire novel that was pretty good but not great. It was a perfect time of transition.

Before we went away, I worked on my SSCS gift and it needs only another hour of work and it will be ready to pop in the mail. Then I can get back to the R5 which has been waiting patiently on the wall. Christmas is a time that I like to make aprons, and I can think of two possible recipients this year, so I just might start one this week. Tomorrow I have a play date with a girlfriend, and then on Tuesday I start my new job.

Life is very, very good these days.


Karla said…
First, I need to say that you are an incredile role model. How blessed this world is to have your wisdom, faith and pixie spirit in it! Your weekend sounds like a wonderful way to bring in a new beginning. Have you posted any pictures of Joe's paintings? i would love to see them. A play date? Sounds delightful! Enjoy and wishing you the best on Tuesday!
stitchinpenny said…
You have made a difference again and your friend will share the blessings with so many. I hope the joy continues as you begin your new job. I wish for you no awkward transition, lots of new friends, strength of spirit and the sense of doing the best you can for others.
Janet O. said…
I can feel the joy in this post! So happy for you. I love the term "decompression spot." I need one of those. : )
I will be sending you my "pledge" when I get to town Tuesday. Thanks for sharing the opportunity with us.
LizA. said…
Can't think of a better way to end one journey and begin another. Here's to nothing but sunny days.
jirons42 said…
A couple weeks ago you mentioned the book The Banks of Certain Rivers by Jon Harrison. My library didn't stock the book so I asked them to purchase it. They did and it is now up next on my reading list. Today I am thankful for folks who recommend good books and for a wonderful library system.
Chookyblue...... said…
glad to hear your SSCS is nearly done.........
Quiltdivajulie said…
Great post - and may I say I am pleased and proud to be one of your followers and long-distance friends!
Patty Nordahl said…
can you send me the instructions for donating a sewing machine for the next class. Have not been on the computer and missed the original post. Your young friend sounds like a remarkable person. Thanks for showing us a way to be of some help.
Barbara Anne said…
Cheers for your lovely get-away between your Little Church job and your new heart's desire job! What a perfect way to change gears and relax.

Hope your first day at the school was a heart warming delight for all.
