O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

I slept well last night.

Because I was tired, oh so tired, and happy, yes, oh so happy.

I'd had a wonderful day.

Himself drove me to Trenton in the early hours, and there I caught the express to New York City (yes, I'm such a rube that I call it by its full name). I got to town earlier than anticipated, before my first destination would even open (at eleven o'clock), so I took my time walking there, despite the cold and considerable wind. I took a couple of pictures of personal landmarks my older son would remember from the years he lived there, and sent them to him. Then I arrived at City Quilter, where I prowled around for quite a while.

There's this stereotype about NYC people being brusque and impatient and unhelpful and, friends, I tell you I did not meet one of those people yesterday.

The City Quilter people were so friendly and helpful, even urging me to take photographs (perhaps to be published later). I bought a book, some black on white FQs (my current craze) and FQs from two Australian lines. There was an exhibit of gorgeous quilts and I photographed them (don't be so impatient!).

My next stop was Papyrus where I picked up some surprise add-on Christmas gifts. Then I was off for the reason for my visit. I was lunching with a long-time virtual friend before she moves to another continent.

Neither of us could remember how we initially "met." Our lives are vastly different, yet in the important ways, so similar. No, she's not a quilter [yet] but she's mad about William Morris, knows how important raising her children is, struggles with issues of meaning and relationship and purpose, is a better writer than I am, equally good story-teller and listener, and oh so much more. We'd read each other's blogs, Friended each other, and sent Christmas cards and a handful of emails over the six or so years since connecting. Getting together was like reconnecting with an old, dear friend I'd lost track of.

After lunch she graciously accompanied me to my other destinations, sharing stories and thoughts as we trekked to Marimekko where I picked up a coffee mug (which I deemed a peculiar purchase at my age but bought it nonetheless). I was determined to get to Gudrun Sjoden and she joyfully accompanied me to a place she'd never been, where each of us bought wonderful, colorful apparel in gorgeous cloth bags. Purl Soho, I'd learned was really just around the corner, so of course I had to put in an appearance. We ogled and fondled the Liberties and then went on our way; it was perhaps a good thing I'd already spent so much money -- otherwise I might well have succumbed to a beckoning dear little bundle of F8s for $55!

My chauffeur met me once again in Trenton and even sprang for Jules Thin Crust on the way home; with nearly 11,000 steps on the Fitbit, I retired early and, as mentioned, slept well and dreamed beautiful dreams.


Pat said…
Frabjous indeed!!! Quelle adventure!
Denise in PA said…
What a wonderful day! o:)
Anonymous said…
Yes, I'd say it was a perfect day. Makes ME happy just to hear about it.
Quiltdivajulie said…
Thanks for sharing the adventure with those of us who may never visit NYC in person!
Brenda said…
Sounds simply mahvalus! Great purchases too -- I've used that newspaper prints in several quilts.
AnnieO said…
Fabric, food, friend, and fabulous sights/sites. You had a great day! And your knee must be all better to have stood and walked all that time!
Unknown said…
I'm envious! Your fun day will make me smile all day!
OTquilter said…
Lucky you! Isn't City Quilter wonderful? Next time you are going, let me know and I'll meet you there and lead you to yet another wonderful stationery/paper store. And your chauffeur is a beamish boy, yes?
Barbara Anne said…
What a marvelous day in every way, indeed!!

Especially wonderful to meet your friend before she moves far, far away. Happily, she'll still feel every bit as close by emails and blog!

What bliss to be met by your own knight in shining armor for ready-to-eat pizza and home. Ahhhh...!

Looking forward to more pictures - and of that Marimekko mug, please and thank you.

Happy for you hugs!
LizA. said…
Sounds like the perfect day! Such a bounty of goodies -- I especially love the total of the book.
Janet O. said…
So you tell us about all of these wonderful photos you took, and only show one?!? Yes, I am impatient!
Sounds like such a wonderful day!
And congrats on your Fitbit mileage--don't know about your stride, but that would be well over 4 miles for me!
Emilie Oyen said…
As my 8 year old would say, It was EPIC. I'm still floating and love looking at my new beautiful blouses, which will always remind me of our wonderful day! I am so grateful and blessed that you trekked up here on such a frozen day, it was marvelous.
Sujata Shah said…
That sounds like a fun day! I have been to the City Quilter once...Great shop.
What a wonderful day! Sounds like something I'd like to do soon.
Lorraine said…
sounds like a fabulous day indeed! Brought back memories of a visit to NYC two years ago which included a visit to the City Quilter - I had no bad experiences with the people we met when we were in the city...everyone was helpful and very friendly - even if they couldn't understand half of what we said or asked us to repeat words they thought were hilarious with our Aussie accents! Happy Days!