It Has Come to This

After a spam-bot left comments on about thirty of my posts this afternoon, at the rate of about one every fifteen seconds, despite my already having in place an anti-robot system of sorts, I've reluctantly decided I need to employ Comment Moderation on this blog.

I'm not happy about this.

It feels restrictive. It feels unwelcoming.

But the spam-bots have been steadily increasing. And I've become steadily more annoyed at the intrusiveness.

I do want to hear from you. I live for your comments!

But I'm sure you don't want to see those garbage "comments" when you go to make yours.

And I fervently believe none of us wants to hear about viagra or any other "miracle cures."

So, it has come to this.


Quiltdivajulie said…
Amen and Amen. So far I'm still removing the annoying/obnoxious spam bot comments. But if it increases much more, I'll be joining you with comment moderation.
Janet O. said…
Sorry you had to resort to this Nancy. It is so frustrating, isn't it?
Most of the junk comments I receive come on older posts, so I use the setting where I moderate on comments that come in on posts that are two weeks old or older. It has caught most things for me.
Karen N - Cape Town said…
If only the effort that goes into annoying behaviour (and that's saying it gently) went into making life better, society would benefit. Keep safe.
Barbara Anne said…
No worry, you just do what you have to do and gleefully blow those tacky comments into cyberspace!

We're with you!

Margie said…
I’m not a very good commenter because I lose patience with the “it has come to this” stuff. I’ll try to do better!
Lcrrkhs said…
Thankfully this is about spambots. My mind went immediately to you and yours, and I was worried about illness, which sadly, can touch anyone.

Moderate away! And be well!
stitchinpenny said…
I have been blocking pictures, cartoons and videos ever since this lockdown began. People are sending viruses out by sharing cute things. I am sure we will all be infected before this is all over.
Anonymous said…
Sorry that you got hit by those spammers. I enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing.
Mrs. Goodneedle said…
So, it's come to this has it?
Quayquilter said…
it probably is a result of the popularity of your blog - so sorry but the carton really made me laugh. I must try it. Day 21 for me here but the skies are blue and the birds are singing!