Battling The Crud

If you've read this blog for a year or more, you might know that the first head cold of the autumn sends me for a loop.  It usually settles in firmly about a week before Thanksgiving, morphs into bronchitis, and hangs around for three to six weeks.  My throat gets sore from the coughing, my friends and family avoid me, my disposition frays, and I go through lots of tissues.

This year it has hit much earlier than usual, and -- knock wood -- seems not to be as forceful.  I've been in and out (mostly out) of work for a week and one night I had trouble sleeping because I was coughing.  A colleague told me not to drink anything cold, only warm or room temperature liquids and lots of them.  Joe brought home a jug of cider and let me tell you how good that is heated up.  My wonderful neighbor brought me chicken soup.  And I go through tissues.  I nap every day, sometimes twice.  I take lots of drugs.  I'm doing my part.

I finished hand quilting Mayfly Madness and as I was doing the border I realized that I need to keep it for Grandbaby #5, arriving late in April, rather than give it away at that Thanksgiving shower.  So I've begun a new quilt for that mom-to-be and hope to post pictures before too long.  It's a Churn Dash.

I've also been on Facebook a lot more than usual.  Beyond my regular Facebook Scrabble games, for no good reason I have indulged in Bubble Saga and Bubble Witch Saga to the point where I hear the background music at night when I'm trying to go to sleep. A tremendous waste of time that I'm going to discontinue as soon as I finish writing this post.  Instead of shooting bubbles and attracting spiders, I'm going to get back to binding Mayfly Madness.  And make a few more Churn Dashes.  And blow my nose.


Guenveur in Kent said…
Irealize thaqt you may not want to disclose whence comes grandbaby #5, but that is very exciting. Your kids may keep you in babies for some time to come. And they're not even Catholic! That I know of. Congratulations all around. THey do very good work, your kids.
Janet O. said…
Sorry you have been under the weather and I hope you can kick it soon.
Love the tissue box!
Pat said…
The bubble games are a mindless waste of time -- exactly what you need when your head is filled with crudly nastiness. That cider was a stroke of genius. Glad you are on the mend and that Mayfly will stay in the family.

jauloc: a colloquial expression, common on the Outer Banks, meaning "did you secure it?". eg: I closed the door; jauloc?
Salem Stitcher said…
A friend told me that our neighborhood Starbucks fixes what they call "sick tea" I went in there, droopy eyed and tissue in hand and asked for sick tea. The woman behind the counter gave me an "awwwww" and proceeded to steam up some apple cider, add in an Orange Blossom tea bag and load the concoction with honey.

It is most wonderful.
Deb said…
Poor you! Hope you get to feeling better soon. Haven't had a cold yet this fall, and knock on wood, am hoping I don't get one at all! Lots of rest and fluids, sounds like you're doing your part.
Sandra said…
In our house we've been dealing with colds back and forth for a month. What a waste of time! I'm guessing you are an English teacher to have a Shakespeare tissue dispenser!
Tanya said…
Take care of that cold. I mean of course, take care of yourself. I'm always felled once a year too.
antique quilter said…
oh I hope you feel better, glad to hear your sewing at least :), congrats on grandbaby no. 5, that is wonderful!!!!, I have had a sinus headache all week, I think everyone is suffering a little earlier this year...
ok, are you ready for the snow?