A New Year's Wish for My Readers


Susan said…
Thanks, Nancy! Wishing all those things for you as well.
Nemo said…
I love Neil Gaiman - he's a wizard at putting the right words together.. Happy New Year, Nancy!
Gretchen said…
One of my favorite quotes from one of my most favorite authors of all time. Hope the new year brings all of this for you.
Quiltdivajulie said…
Thank you, Nancy - and may all of this and more be true for you and Joe and your family, too.
Jayne Honnold said…
I read that exact quote to my son about 4 days ago. Great minds, right? I think those are wonderful sentiments and I hope the same for you!
*kd. said…
How great! Fabulous of you to share. Great way to start the year off.
Jindi's Cottage said…
Right back at ya! Especially the good madness, I especially like the concept of good madness - sounds like fun! Happy 2014 :)
Mrs. Goodneedle said…
What a wonderful bit of wisdom shared here today, this is profound. Happy New Year to you, too; and bushels of love an joy for 2014!
Linda K said…
Happy New Year to you , too! I received 6 books for Christmas, so for sure I'll be reading. Sewing and singing, too, of course! I'm blessed to have a wonderful someone to kiss every single day. I sure hope there'll be some good madness and surprises!
Sounds like fun!! Wishing you and yours some "good madness" in 2014. I so enjoy reading your blog, seeing your quilts, hearing ( and agreeing with) your COW reports, and dreaming of my next trip to Lancaster County :)
Salem Stitcher said…
Same to you, my friend. Happy New Year!
Karla said…
Love! Likewise my friend!
Barbara Anne said…

LizA. said…
good madness--we definitely need more of that. here's to a new year full of new everything!