Tulips and Windmills: Au Revoir!

We did visit Jardin du Luxembourg one evening. It is a big, beautiful place with both French gardens and English gardens, as well as forest, pond, and orchard. Joe wandered around for a long time; my feet and I were content to wait for him.

On our last day in Paris, we stumbled on a wonderful restaurant that was right at our corner! How could we have not noticed it before? Our lunch there was delicious; I was so impressed with their take on risotto -- it was made into a ball and deep fried! 

We had a lazy afternoon and decided to go back to the same place for dinner. It was equally wonderful, and the server and Joe got along famously!



Barbara Anne said…
How delightful! Better to have found that restaurant a bit late than not at all and what a cute server y'all had.

Did you head home next or go somewhere else?

Quiltdivajulie said…
So many wonderful stories, photos and memories!