Christmas in May, Anyone?

Reading other people's blogs gives me ideas. Too often, I'm afraid, they are ideas about new quilts I want to make. Me, with the UFO List to beat the band. But in the past couple of months, the creative generosity of quilter-bloggers has given me another kind of idea.
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One of the loveliest blogs I know is Nicole's at Sister's Choice. I check every single day to see what she is up to. She is a prolific quilter with beautiful taste and I'm often inspired by what she is doing. In this post, she decides to give away some Christmas blocks that she made and didn't need for the quilt she was working on -- -- I'd been thinking for a week or so about what I might give away to a reader, and she provided the clue I needed. Tonight I was prowling around down in my studio, trying to decide what to work on next, and thinking that on Saturday, I really need to spend much of the day organizing and cleaning the space, and I came across a package of unused FQs. They were left over from the quilt that is pictured to the left. That quilt is a Whackie Girl that I made for Sherry and Chris for Christmas.
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The fabrics in the quilt are all Laurel Burch Christmas fabrics and Kona black. I have eight full Fat Quarters, one large piece that probably nets about a half yard, and a packet of smaller scraps. They are pictured here. I know I'm not going to do anything with them, but someone else might. Nicole is making Christmas quilts now and if I were looking to make a Christmas quilt, I'd follow her lead. If you are thinking those kinds of thoughts, and are interested in my Laurel Burch FQs and scraps, leave a comment for this post. A week from today, May 30, I'll draw a name and send the holiday fabrics on to their new owner.
I am excited about your give away as these are not fabrics I normally use.
I would love to be able to play with them and challenge myself to make a quilt with them
I would love a chance at your give away!
I hadn't been thinking of Christmas this early in the year, but maybe you're right that now's the time to start.