May Day! May Day!

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When the news broke about the shooting by the National Guardsmen at Kent State, we were filled with shock and horror. We became glued to the television, much as we had back in late November of 1963 when the President was killed.
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We were afraid that the University would be shut down, and with it what had kept us going for the past two and a half years: the hope of returning. We grieved with the families of the lost students.
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The University did survive, and we did return in August of 1971 and stayed until Joe had completed not just his interrupted Bachelor's degree but also a Master's in architecture.
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We have returned to Kent only a couple of times since we left Ohio for good in 1980. But my heart and soul return each year on May 4.
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In Memory
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Allison Krause
Jeffrey Miller
Sandra Scheuer
William Schroeder