Excel Spreadsheets and The Kindness of Strangers

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I knew she was right. And she would do fine. But I wasn't about to put it to the test.
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Yesterday, I was the beneficiary of the kindness of -- well, they aren't really -- strangers several times over.
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I'd posted to my blog the night before about inventorying my quilt projects and having all of the data on an Excel spread sheet. I'd put a stock illustration on the post because I didn't know how to get my own into Blogger. Within a few hours, an email from Angela -- whom I've never met -- with explicit, clear, and understandable instructions arrived. Just like that!
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Later in the day, filled with warmth at Angela's kindness, I put out a feeler about getting translation of a Greek sentence. As of this morning, there have been four varied responses, three of them from women, once again, whom I've never met!
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So, as Dayle says, "There are nice people everywhere." Some of whom are not strangers at all, though the relationship grew and was nurtured in cyberspace.
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And now, on to the Excel spreadsheet! Under Angela's tutelage, I display below my own actual UFO/PIGS/WIPS/Whatever log. Taking note, please, that already, on the first day of the third year, another project has been completed!
I am NOT a list maker, they make me nervous, lol.
(Still waiting on my Greek friend's reply, should be received soon.)
This is along the lines of books and libraries and such. Check out this link: We take so much for granted!