Lend Me a Quarter Cup of Greek?

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Joe and I are going to Greece this summer, and we understand that the Greeks have an affinity for shellfish.
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So I'm a little worried. I had a year of Koine Greek in seminary, but I learned things such as "Follow me" and "The blind man regained his sight," nothing to do with current day menu items.
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I spoke with the Classics teacher at school today, asking him if he would print out for me the Greek for "I am allergic to shrimp and to crabs." He replied that his particular Greek was a slightly different version of Ancient Greek than I'd had (twelve or thirteen years ago now) and my using his print-out would be the linguistic equivalent to someone coming here and speaking like Shakespeare.
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I imagine I can go down to the Greek restaurant in the village here Near Philadelphia and ask the owner to help me. But first I thought it would be interesting to ask my blog-readers. Can anyone help me with this?
It is a free online English-Greek dictionary. You might have work it out word by word, but they do show the translation in both the Greek alphabet and a phonetic version.
What a shame to be allergic to shrimp! Crab too? That is just too bad!
I can ask him how to say, "I'm allergic to shrimp and crabs" and then ATTMEPT to post it here, OR I would suggest the greek/english online dictionary that Nicole linked to. I've used it before in my attempts to impress the Greek "prince." =)
Let me know...
My friend translated it for me, but it all came out as gobbelty-gook.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, I would try those other sources tho, it's worth a try.