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The day was long. Got to school before eight o'clock and it was after 5:30 when I came home. I was awfully tired. The thought of a 45-60 minute car ride in either direction made for a very long evening and I suggested we postpone this outing until an evening when I wasn't so tired and could relish it. Joe agreed and we decided to go down to the local pub, a place we go more frequently than anywhere else. They have wonderful sandwiches as well as a nice dinner menu. I was thinking about a Reuben while we were heading down there.
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But the chalkboard in the window indicated that one of the three specials for the evening was scallops, prepared with lemon and sherry. My mouth began to water and the idea of the Reuben was tabled for another occasion.
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Do you remember that famous scene in "When Harry Met Sally"? That is kind of what it was like for my first scallops in so long. Sometime soon we'll get down to the Oyster House. But meanwhile, tonight's scallops were simply splendid. Mrs. Goodneedle says "Life Is Good." It is also succulent.