It's been a summer like no other that I can remember, Near Philadelphia. We've had weeks of top-of-the-chart temperatures, a hurricane, an earthquake or two, and unprecedented rainfall leading to dangerous flooding in some parts of the area (so far, not my particular location). The other day during a period of relative calm, Joe thought it would be good to clean the downspouts. Which led to his cleaning the window wells. In one of them he encountered a very, very small frog* (who, it must be told, was not overjoyed to make Joe's acquaintance). We've had bunnies, skunks, deer, turtles, possums, racoons, and even a turtle or so. But never before a genuine frog.
I'm convinced this guy is the start of the next plague.
*The frog pictured is not the actual one Joe met. They both declined to pose for a photo.
We have tree frogs in the pasture across the street. Boy, are they noisy at night!
As long as your frog wasn't the two-headed 6-footed variety why worry?