Well, no, this picture is not me. And my progress isn't
that impressive. But I
do have a situation now, having lost 24.8 pounds (that 25th pound is apparently a
big one since I've been struggling with it for quite some time and I plan to put a permanent end to it tomorrow night), in that my clothes aren't fitting. My summer wardrobe consists of a couple pair of capris and a handful of knit tops and six or eight Fresh Produce dresses. The capris are loose as are some of the tops. And the dresses are down from six or eight to three or four that fit. Even some of my jumpers have really reached the point of being too baggy. Someone at the upcoming church rummage sale is going to be very happy. The summer clothes season will be completely at an end sometime in the next three weeks or so, and I'll be just fine. Until next spring.
When I get out my fall and winter clothes, I imagine there will be pretty many things that will be too big. And so again the rummage sale will benefit. In the back of the closet I have some things that were too snug last winter, and I'm thinking it will be nice to wear them again.
At some point this winter, though, I hope to have everything too big, but not yet be at the size I ultimately hope to be. At that point, I suppose, I'll hit the rummage sale myself, and pick out some very basic mixables. As my daughter would say, "It's a good problem to have."
I've lost 40lbs and have had to go clothes shopping...which I HATE!! Such a huge waste of time...I keep putting off going and buying jeans..ugh! But, I guess it has to be done as mine from last year are big enough to come off without unzipping...lol
And I love your daughter's outlook. What a kindness and comfort must be!
Let me know if you have some winter 100% woolens that you're going to send to the rummage, I'm always looking for rug hooking wool, and will pay postage.