End of May Moo

Some additional cows came home on Wednesday, but I didn't have the opportunity to photograph them yet.  I wanted to, but my evening was shattered by a recurrent phenomenon with a new wrinkle.

Summer in the suburbs includes the ever popular ice cream truck.  For the past several years they have annoyed the heck out of me with a never-ending "Pop Goes the Weasel" music as they patrol the streets.  If I never hear it again, that is just fine.

Alas, one learns the hard way to be careful for what one wishes for.  Yes, the ice cream truck is here for the season.  And, yes, it has changed its tune.

Some of you may be old enough to have attended the 1964/1965 New York World's Fair.  If not, most likely you have been to Disney Land or Disney World.  Has the song already begun to resound in your head?  That day in 1965, we rode the Disney ride at the World's Fair and heard enough of "It's A Small World After All" to last us a lifetime.

There may be Mayhem Near Philadelphia this summer.


BlueRidge Boomer said…
LOLLOLLOLLOL.....that song drives me crazy also...!!
Barbara Anne said…
I'm new here, but loved your humor and take on life when I popped in yesterday so am back!

I share your annoyance with Pop Goes the Weasel for the same reason. The ice cream truck here flies down our rural street because the driver knows there are no children here. What waste the gas?

Sorry you're now being afflicted by It's a Small World After All. I loved it at the 1964 World's Fair but my enthusiasm for it has waned totally since then.

Janet O. said…
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Anonymous said…
As soon as you said it had changed its tune, I knew what was coming. No song in the world is as annoying as that one. I do remember it at the fair in '64 and found it charming then but that didn't last.
Janet O. said…
Thanks, Nancy. Now I'll have that tune in my head all day--or week!
Ahh, life in the country--no ice cream trucks, and only the most infrequent door-to-door sales!

(Deleted earlier post for major spelling error--so embarrassed!)
cityquilter grace said…
fingernails on a blackboard, aaaarrrrgh!
Quiltdivajulie said…
I DO feel your pain ... our trucks here use that tune with bad speakers turned up too loud.

Sigh. Moooooing right along with you!
Kim Q said…
Well gee, if you've only got one ice cream truck company (and one tune) then you're doing great! We've got at least three different trucks here, but none playing the Disney tune. The music (loud) is bad enough, but WHY do they have to park on my driveway??? LOL BTW, I'm in Pennsauken. There ought to be a law against the darned things.
LizA. said…
I'll trade you ear worms. I'd gladly take It's a Small World anyday over Turkey in the Straw!

I was probably there at the New York Worlds Fair when you were. I grew up in the Hudson Valley, about 1 hour north of NYC.
antique quilter said…
oh no a new song to drive you crazy you will be humming that song for months!!!!
Anya said…
That brings back memories, both of the 1964 World's Fair (I was 5 at the time) and ice cream trucks! I really loved It's A Small World at the fair, but I completely understand how it must be annoying on current-day ice cream trucks!
Unknown said…
Wouldn't you think in these modern times that the Ice Cream Van's could install a computerised soundtrack with a 'shuffle' mode
LoieJ said…
I also knew what you were referring to. Most boring ride and song at Disney.
Anonymous said…
I know how to stop it! Ask them how much they paid Disney for the right to play it. I bet zero. Disney is the most scrupulous company to defend its brands and copyrights. And I bet Disney wouldn't grant it, even if asked and offered money.

Voila, consider it done!
Pat said…
Bobbi is so darned smart!!! Now if she could only help me get that frackin' song our of my skull!!!
Mrs. Goodneedle said…
Life out in the boonies, where I live, is quiet (and good, of course)... no ice cream trucks at all; actually, that's kinda sad. However, that song would drive me insane in no time!!
Ancestor Collector said…
Oh, for goodness sake.....our handbell choir is playing a book of Disney tunes for our church picnic. One of the songs in the book is "It's a Small World". I went to rehearsal and then kept hearing that tune over, and over, and over in my head, and it was finally gone....until I read your post!! ;-) I'm doomed for the rest of the night!
QuiltingFitzy said…
I tried to post yeseterday to let you know my block is "the cow's tail". I should have it out to you this weekend. Thanks for your patience!
You will NEVER get that out of your head...and neither will I tonight...THANKS!
On the other hand, where I live, the idea of a frequest ice cream van sounds heavenly!
Salem Stitcher said…
Our neighborhood ice cream truck plays "It's a Small World" also. I dread hearing it not only for the annoying music but because the condition of the truck and the driver remind me of a bad horror flick for some reason.