With Trepidation No More
Day after tomorrow it will be five years since I began what Chez would call "my little experiment." My header initially read, "With just a bit of trepidation, a sixtyish wife, mother, grandmother, Lutheran, thinker and quilter enters cyberspace." The trepidation is long gone, and the rest has stayed pretty much the same.
I started my blog for me, not for anyone else. And I still maintain it for me, not for anyone else. Of course I love it that I have "followers," and that I have regular and irregular readers who drop in to see what's going on, and most of the time I love it that they take the time to comment.
In the past few days, though, I've received some comments via email rather than directly on the blog from some [apparently Republican] people who just don't like it that I wholeheartedly support President Obama; who somehow can't seem to bear the fact that President Obama (yup, there's that name again!) was able to carry out what George Bush couldn't. I hear you, my [apparently Republican] friends, followers, and relatives. I hear you. But, it just feels so darned good, so refreshing, to have a President I am proud of, a President I feel good about (even though I, like nearly everyone else would rather have had Bin Laden taken alive and brought to trial), that I need to post about it from time to time. During the eight seemingly endless years of the reign of George W. Bush, I refrained from heckling you and pointing out what a miserable failure he was. If you don't like my infrequent posts that are political in nature, do what my own daughter does when I write about quilts, skip over them! And if you really feel strongly, get yourself a blog and write your side of it there!
It's my blog, and its content reflects who I am: wife, mother, grandmother, Lutheran, thinker, quilter and -- reflected in my profile now as of today -- liberal Democrat.
And COW*.
*Cranky Old Woman, feeling extra cranky today
ttfn :) Yuki
Personally I'm very glad he is dead!
(I couldn't resist)
From one quilty liberal woman of a certain age to another!!
Kathy B
I happen to live on the same side of the fence as you do, but I know how to pass on the things others say that I don't agree with!
However, this one isn't really political - it's about YOUR blog and YOUR right to post whatever you want. No-one is obliged to read it, or to agree with it, and as you rightly point out, if others have an opposing view they should start their own blogs and sing out if they feel motivated.
Go Nancy, go Nancy, go Nancy....
Sallee in nh
I'm so disappointed by those who delight in publicly picking apart our President for everything he does and not giving him credit for anything good that happens. May I say that President Obama inherited an economic MESS from the previous administration? He also completed the mission to stop bin Laden that was started almost 10 years ago.
I don't like the negativity in politics.
Thanks for stating your opinions.
I watched the Obamas on Oprah the other day. I didn't know how much I would love that Michele. That woman could kick Oprah's ass across the street and back, she's so smart and tough and strong...and that's nothing against Oprah, but that's just saying something about how strong SHE is. I'm proud to be an American (and a LiberalCOW)