
They started their work three weeks ago and will continue for nearly forty days more, until Maundy Thursday.  A group of thirteen men plus our pastor have engaged in a lengthy  Bible study in preparation for what is to come.  This will be the second year that our congregation has presented a Living Last Supper.

This year's group is totally different from last year's group.  I was happy when my husband was asked to participate, and surprised when he accepted the invitation.  Even more surprised by the passion he is showing for the project.  He's a quiet sort of a man, a behind-the-scenes kind of guy for the most part.  But he's doing it, and seems to be loving it.

The parts were chosen or assigned at the get-go and they do their work together in character. And all they know is history prior to The Last Supper.  If there isn't a lot known about a particular disciple, that man creates a history for himself.  They interact in character, calling each other "Peter" or "Thaddeus."  Each man will develop, write, and present his own conversation at the table.

A woman with a skill for tailoring and dressmaking has made costumes and is altering them from last year's participants to fit this year's.  Another woman with a theater background will work with them as they rehearse.  Some people who know about such things designed and provided the set.

Last year our church was so full that we had to put side chairs in the aisles.  The presentation was spellbinding.  This year's will be even more so for me:  My husband is Thomas.


Brenda said…
interesting. is that idea original to your church or a bigger movement? how many times do they perform (if that's what they do?)
Quiltdivajulie said…
What an amazing undertaking -- on many, many levels. I can only imagine how powerful this portrayal must be in person.
*karendianne. said…
Oh Nancy - this is even more special than the normal way I'd use the word. Neat to read how DH is getting involved and being Thomas no less! Blessed Love, *karendianne.
Nancy said…
I wish I lived close enough to attend the presentation.
Anonymous said…
How awesome - did he chose? Thomas - what an honor to your father and our Father in heaven. your CA cuz
LizA. said…
This sounds so interesting. What a neat and different way to tell this story.
How interesting. I am curious about all the questions asked above...
This is Thomas: believing! I hope the sign is: he searched his soul and found out that his faith is stronger than his reasoning. As is with most people our age. It gave me the goosebumps when I read this. You're blessed!
Thank you for the story 8^}
Irene from a grey Amsterdam
Anonymous said…
Wow! What a wonderful project. Wish I lived in your area so I could experience it.