Give-Away Number One: Name That Quilt!

Here's the prize, the give-away: Eight -- count 'em -- eight FQs of very nice green and purple fabrics that although they are not from the same line, go together very, very beautifully. 100 percent cotton, and all tied up in a pretty green bow (that might go on to enhance your doggy's collar or some such). I won this collection as a door prize, and since it has been on the shelf for a very long time, I thought it should find a good home.

This is the first of my three give-aways for the Memorial Day Weekend, and the only one (I think) that requires any real effort on your part.

Here's a picture of the Quilt With No Name that can't continue on being nameless. And I'm stumped. I considered Chocolate Mint, but that wasn't exactly right. So it is up to you. Leave a comment to this post with the name that you suggest. On Monday night, at the end of the long holiday weekend, Joe and I will review all submissionis and select a winner.

Your packet of green and purple FQs could be ITM as early as Tuesday!

The quilt was made using a technique that Judi taught our hand-sewing group when she was visiting last month from England. Basically, one takes a stack of coordinating fabrics and cuts a stack of squares. The squares are then cut in thirds vertically. The middle third is cut again in thirds, this time horizontally. The center small square from the top fabric is removed and placed on the bottom of the pile. Then the squares are reassembled and trimmed. So easy! And so striking! Judi's sample was 6" squares of batiks. I had these utterly wonderful dusky teal and chocolate FQs that I picked up at the new shop in Bird-in-Hand and cut my squares at 9".

I like this quilt so much. I don't know where it will find a home or when I will have it quilted. But it just can't remain the Quilt With No Name. Please, won't you help?


*karendianne. said…
"Medicinal Mixture" - since they both have medicinal properities.

"The Philadelphia Mint" or some variation thereof.

...I hope I don't get out of hand with this.

Name Game Love, *karendianne.
dot said…
My suggestion: Glacier Mud. I choose this because the teals remind me glacier colored water and the browns remind me of mud.

Spring Run-off could be anothe good name. How about that just like Karen Dianne two for one.
lj_cox said…
It looks to me like water in a tiled or stone fountain; beautiful aqua water and chocolate colored tiles or stone. So how about "Like Water for Chocolate", or simply "Brownstone Fountain".
Three Birds Inspired said…
Chocolate in the Square?
lj_cox said…
p.s. It's really lovely!
Anonymous said…
how about.. mmm chocolat sea of dreams? I love this quilt, those colors are great!

hugs from the Netherlands
Winda aka Dutch Quilter
The Calico Cat said…
Nutty Irishman (No prizes for me.)
Sue Cahill said…
How about "Hot Mint Cocoa", the quilt is so soothing like a steaming hot chocolate with a shot of mint liquor.
(sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Karrin Hurd said…
The name that pops in my mind and won't leave is Chocolate Truffle
Sherry said…
Here's my entry: "Not By Chocolate Alone" (but that is not something I would *ever* say!! LOL

Your quilt is lovely. . .but do tell, what new shop in Bird-In-Hand? Did I miss something???

In peace & pieces,

Jo said…
I know you didn't like chocolate mint, but how about Mint Chocolate Chip? The little squares look like little chips...
floribunda said…
It does remind me of those "Andes" mints that we get with our bill at the local Thai restaurant... or some kind of agate. Maybe something will pop into my head later on!

When you assemble block, do you end up having to trim quit a bit on two sides, since there are extra seams in the middle strip? So if you start with a 9" square, you probably end up with about 7.5"?
HonnaBear said…
Wow, it turned out to be so pretty! It makes me think a little of how we often say we are trying to put square pegs into round holes to describe life struggles and since this clearly is the opposite of that how about something like "Square Pegs in Square Holes"?

Or "Hop Scotch Brown" -- it looks a bit like a hop scotch court.

What fun to look at the other ideas!
Teresa said…
My suggestion is "Tuiles de Sarcelle" which is French for Teal Tiles. The pattern reminds me of floor tiles and the color for whatever reason makes me think of France - so there you have it.

And a beautiful quilt top it is. Wouldn't that be pretty quilted with some silver accents!
Anonymous said…
Chocolate Squared

How about........."All Roads Lead to Chocolate"

Chookyblue...... said…
no real good with name but how about you just reverese it ........."Mint Chosolate"
Unknown said…
For me it's got to be 'After Eights' - these are a very famous after dinner mint chocolate sold in the UK - they are dark chocolate thins which have a mint cream through the middle and are square in shape. They come in a long box which is square in cross section and each individual mint has it's own little black paper envelope - yummy!!!! check out: to see them
LoieJ said…
I've had a quilt in mind like this for myself, but I was thinking of making the center square all the same, but yours is so much more interesting. Do you know if the basic pattern has a name? The one I'm thinking of is a variation of the Bento Box, but when you look that up on the net, another pattern is more likely to come up. Well, that's not a name suggestion. I'm just interested in how it looks. It is great. Call it "my great quilt."
Greenmare said…
how about Peppermint Patty?
Irish Chocolate?
Bobbie Bentneedle said…
MMMMMMMM.... Velamints! Sugar-free, fat-free chocolaty VELAMINTS!!!! I had to google them to make sure I was thinking of the right ones - square, with a dip in the middle... Yep, they are velamints :0}
It's a great top - thanx for sharing the secrets of its construction.
Tanya said…
Hot Fudge Pistachio Parfait! Looks yummy!
Clare said…
Pistachio Delight? No? Oh well, at least I tried.
Paula, the quilter said…
It seems that most everyone is suggesting names based on the colors used in the top. Hope about something that is based on the name of the block? This block is called "Bright Hopes". Do a google search and look at the images. Can you use the word "Hope" in the name? Something like Hope Multiplied, Lots of Hope, or Heaps of Hope... You get the idea.
SallyB said…
It rather reminds me of Italian mosaic tiles from Ravenna (Italy, not Ohio!) in the style called "Smalti", so perhaps that ought to be its name!

Sounds exotic, doesn't it?
Judi said…
What a great looking quilt, Nancy - I warned you that the technique was addictive!

I agree with Anne - your quilt reminds me of After Eight mints :)

This block is called "Cobblestones". It isn't the same as Bright Hopes because it doesn't have the overlapping/set-in seam that Bright Hopes has.

Great job, Nancy!

quiltmom anna said…
Hi Nancy,
I recently saw Forest Gump again and when I saw your quilt I thought of his famous line of Life is like a box of chocolates so perhaps you might name it "Nancy's Box of Chocolates" . The other name that came to me is "After 8's" because the colors remind of After 8 mint wafers.
I hope you find the perfect name - it is a lovely cobblestone quilt no matter what you choose to name it.
Regards from a Western Canadian Quilter,