Log Cabin Leader-Ender
Except, she rationalized, a leader-ender out of scraps really doesn't count as a new project. Some of the scraps are already cut to the right size, even!
See, I made the one leader-ender Jewel Box and had so many pre-cut squares already made that I simply started a second. Twelve blocks into it, on Sunday, I decided twelve was plenty. Doesn't have to be 20 like the first one. Stick with twelve, add a border, call it good. Then I just happened to notice that there were a bunch of red pre-cut 2.5 squares and realized it has been a good 15 years since I've made a Log Cabin and one thing led to another and off we go. My next leader-ender, once the present Jewel Box is completed, is gonna be a mostly CW Log Cabin.
And it doesn't count as a new project. 'Cuz it's a leader-ender. So there.
No sooner do I finish something, a block, a top, an entire quilt... then I'm off cutting something new. It's a Neverending Story. Enjoy!