Soon and Very Soon

This is a picture of Andrew and Amy at their wedding rehearsal.

By this time tomorrow, they'll be parents.

God willing.

People have been contacting me, inquiring, thinking that perhaps I've withheld news.

Would that that were true!

A week late, a tiny woman, induction began a couple of hours ago.

Come, dear little Hambone.  We're so eager to meet you!


Pat said…
God bless her! Induction is not picnic, but hopefull everything will go fast & we'll have a Hammy by the end of the day. Saying prayers for comfort and joy.
*karendianne. said…
Goodness so sweet and what a tiny little thing she is. Sending my love and comfort dear friend. Packed with prayers, *karendianne.
Judi said…
I was rather hoping that your silence over the past couple of days was due to a happy event....and that's just what you will all have, very soon.

She (and he) are in very safe hands and surrounded by love and prayers, just as it should be.
Mrs. Goodneedle said…
Prayers for a safe and healthy delivery are being sent to Him. I will be eagerly awaiting your long-anticipated announcement! What a very lucky baby.