The Bag Lady Strikes Again
Instead of the strips insert, I tried making three 4.5" Churn Dash blocks and stitching them together. That was not as effective as I had it in my mind's eye; if I do this kind of thing again, I think I need more contrast. I do like that Gatsby stuff, though, even if it is not my usual kind of thing.
Again, I used batting instead of Pellon and I really like the feel of the bag.
I got out the instructions for the walker bag tonight. It calls for fabric and lining and no stabilizer whatsoever, not even the Pellon. I can't imagine it will do a very good job or hold very much if it is just two layers of cotton fabric. I think when I do get started on it, I'm going to insert batting to strengthen it. Have you ever made one of these?
And, by the way, I've been using spray baste to affix the batt to the bag proper and it's great! And one more thing: Take a look at Bodacious huddled on the stool behind the bag. Not at all his normal spot for a snooze.
Love this one.
Lois, also a Lutheran near Phil.
Liz in Central CT.