Anybody Know Somebody Who Knows Somebody?

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since I took most of my blog links out of my sidebar and started reading them through Bloglovin. I was liking this pretty much until I realized that Bloglovin wasn't letting me know all of the updates. For example: Did anyone notice dear Mrs. Goodneedle made a rare appearance in blogland early this week? I wouldn't have known this through Bloglovin who still hasn't mentioned it to me. And I don't know what other blogs that I really like to follow closely it isn't telling me about.

I'm on the verge of the tedium of reinstalling all of those links in my sidebar, making it incredibly long once again. Which I don't care for.

What I'd really like, however, is a three column layout, with my posts in the wider center column, my link groups in the right sidebar, and my causes and things in the left sidebar. I surfed around and found some ways to convert some Blogger templates to three columns, but not the template I presently use. And, besides, I've no confidence whatsoever that following the directions would actually work for me. Since I don't speak html or anything other than about a cup and a half of Spanish and a handful of Koine Greek (I do write shorthand, however, for what that may be worth).

So I thought that perhaps the way to find someone I could pay to do this for me would be to ask around. Ask other bloggers. Perhaps bloggers who have used a service for blog design and have been pleased. Who would care to recommend. Or perhaps there is even someone who reads this blog who has the skill I need.

Anbody know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody? I'd love to hear from you.


Chookyblue...... said…
can't help you i tried to change mine following some internet links last year and could not work it out.........goodluck..........
Paula, the quilter said…
Nancy, email me. Maybe we can discuss this privately. Paula
Nancy said…
I know someone that knows someone, but they don't know anything about 3 columns...

Kim West said…
Have you tried google reader? I really love it as an rss reader.
Nancy said…
I have all of mine on google reader. I keep the homepage iGoogle setting for and a small window/tab comes up with my reader list as it has been updated. I love it; though sometime I don't have alot of time to catch up with everyone.

Hope you get it figured out!
QuiltingFitzy said…
Another vote for Google Reader!

Hope you get it all under control.
floribunda said…
google reader works great for me -- I especially like their "next" button!
Jo said…
Another vote for Google Reader. I can even catch up on my Blackberry - but pics aren't really great at that size. But its the best I've come up with to keep up with so many inspirational blogs.
Chookyblue...... said…
oh i forgot to say I use bloglines and everyso often they are a little slow at picking up some feeds but I think that happens with most of them the feeds eventually come in.............
did you open your SSCS????
Kim said…
As far as being up to date on which blogs have been posted to? I usually find someone with a blog list in their sidebar and "borrow" theirs--LOL! At one time, I converted my blog to a three column minima format but I thought it seemed too crowded. I just followed directions I found on the internet and it wasn't too hard. After I decided it was too crowded, I changed it back. Of course, the best thing to do would be to save your format to a disk before you change it, so you can put it back if you're not happy--or set up a new blog just to practice on to make sure you're able to work it out.
*karendianne. said…
I'm a Google Reader gal myself but there's some great sites that will re-design your Blog for you. I'm going to do that. In my spare time. I hope you get tons of feedback on this one. Of course, personally, I like to talk to Paula so I'd do that. I think she luvs you more than me though. You get all the perks! Must be y'all age or something... (oh I'm going down in flames for this one!)
Sue said…
A blog I read has the info you need. Barb Gaddy who writes (great blog, by the way) did a post a while back. She said she used this info to make her 3-column blog...

As for readers- I use google reader, too. No problems so far... easy to use and reliable.

Happy New Year!
LoieJ said…
I use Blogline. It puts a little red spot in the corner if there are new posts. As someone said, it is slow, but Oh Well. I've tried Google Reader too. It has other strengths than Bloglines. I like these readers, but since I'm a visual person, I find that when the reader tells me that there is a new post, I need to open the blog and SEE IT to remember who is who. And, of course, I have to open the blog to post a comment. But at least with the readers, I can screen to see what to open. I like the blogspot bloglist because it doesn't seem as pressing or urgent as the readers do, so I'm not as compulsive about reading.