Change is in the Wind

Over the years of blogging, I've followed so many different blogs. Some eventually seem to evaporate and others say goodbye and close down (don't get me started on how much I've been missing Mrs. Goodneedle, just don't get me started). Sometimes a blog on my sidebar will change its tone and I'll find I'm not really that interested in what the blogger has to say any longer. This happened a couple of times, for instance there was the time that a quilter began sharing very personal aspects of her life -- I felt uncomfortable, as if I'd opened a door and found her standing there naked! I deleted her from my sidebar, hoping she found a good therapist who helped her learn about boundaries. Each time I delete a blog, I flash back to the time I was deleted by Millie, and hope I'm not hurting someone else's feelings. And then I get a grip and say, "Nancy, get over yourself already. Why would someone care if she was on your sidebar?"
I've got a whole 'nuther list of blogs in my "Favorites," ones I check regularly but that I don't need to know immediately when they are updated.
The string in the sidebar has become unwieldy. And just in the nick of time, I've learned about Bloglovin, one of many ways to follow blogs relatively effortlessly. And I spent some time the other night listing all of the Quilters in my sidebar with Bloglovin. I'll still be reading them all, but through Bloglovin, where I believe all of the updates will come in one place, rather than clicking individually as I see blogs rise to the top of the update list. Next step will be to plug the "Favorites" blogs into Bloglovin. Oh, the tidiness! Oh, the organization!
While I was writing this, it occurred to me that perhaps Millie didn't reject me and my blog after all. Perhaps, instead, she subscribed to a reader of some sort. She was always way ahead of me technologically.
I'm mentioning this whole thing because there are a couple of blogs that I frequent where I regularly click on folks in their sidebars. And in case there are folks doing that from here, I don't want you to feel left out in the cold when I take down my list of quilters' links. Which will likely happen by the end of this week, once I've had an opportunity to really test Bloglovin.
I find that I can read blogs through my reader but cannot comment without visiting the blog in person ... I suspect this is why my counter shows far more hits than I ever see as comments. Folks are busy and they speed read posts through their readers without visiting each site individually. That's why I especially appreciate those who make the time to leave a comment!
And yes, I miss Mrs. Goodneedle A WHOLE AWFUL LOT.
I came to the conclusion that if the blogs are listed on the side bar, I don't feel so compelled to check the new postings immediately, which can be a good thing on a busy day. When I use Bloglines, I can read a posting and go to the actual blog if I want to post a comment. I've also tried Google Reader, which has other pluses.
I like to read actual blogs better than read the posting on a blog reader because I need the visual cues from the blog to remember who is who.
a subscriber does save heaps of time though no matter what you use as you aren't wasting time going to a blog to find they haven't posted anything...........
It is interesting to notice when past visitors are no longer visiting or new ones turn up regularly. But we all have only so computer time the changes are understandable.
Nice to see Mrs. Goodneedle is visiting your blog!
Oh, and I have dumped a few blogs. Most of them for whining. I have whining issues, LOL! If I want to listen to complaining I can talk to myself 'cause God knows I have loads of crap to complain about, LOL~!