Goodbye 2009

So, as we approach the end of 2009, it is inevitable that we look back. And cringe. At least.

I'd thought about touching on some of the low points, but my friend Chez has, once again nailed it. Done it so well that I'm not even going to try.

Instead, I'm going to look forward with joy to 2010 which has got to be a better year. After all, it is bringing me two new grandbabies!

And I hope it brings you equally wonderful things!


Happy New Year Nancy. I hope it brings you peace, joy and other wonderful things.
I loved Chez's post - it said it all.
How can ANY year be bad when it brought me a weekend quilting retreat and introduced Viagra in the Water? I am hereby invoking my selective memory (not unlike my husband's selective hearing), and choosing to remember only the good from 2009.

Best wishes, friend, for a joyful, quiltful, healthy, blessed, peace-filled new year!
progress lighting ac said…
Congrats about the new gradbabies!
SallyB said…
Octomom, Tiger Woods, Jon & Kate, Balloon Boy, the White House Party Crashers, Michael Jackson and his father trying to make a buck off his death......everyone this year seemed to want their 15 minutes of fame, or shame, as the case may be, for all to see. Aspiring reality show stars who saw no other route to fame and riches but to do ridiculously stupid things in order to draw attention to themselves in a not very flattering way....what a year to forget! Oh, and that's just the tip of the iceberg: there were plenty of good celebrity scandals to go around, too. I hope that everyone gets a cold dose of common sense this next year and starts behaving themselves in a far more civil manner than we've seen this past year.

Word verification: nonsi, Italian pejorative for what has happened this past year!
Kimberly Mason said…
Oh how I (usually) love this man! Bravo, I say, bravo!honv
Cardygirl said…
Happy New has been a challenging year for most of us...but we must keep that optimism. Chez's post was very interesting!All the best for 2010 for you & your family.
Sarah said…
I wish you a better 2010. How special to be welcoming grand children...
Gretchen said…
Yes, this year HAS to be better than the last. All the best to you and yours in 2010!

WV: pliterat--a new political party?
suz said…
Here's hoping the new year will be better. I've made a resolution not to argue with my Fox channel loving family - just sigh and shake my head. I do look forward to spending more time with the wonderful bloggers I have discovered over the past year and I get ready to join the club! That has to be a better use of my time - that and continuing to give my time to worthwhile causes (between me and them) which make my life better because it isn't about me! One person, one step - one thing better ...
suz said…
Oops - forgot to mention - love your new sight and those wonderful figurines in your blog header. Your friend did an amazing job!