Quilting Lessons

So I put Quilting Lessons into my shopping cart and eventually when the book I'd preordered was published, my parcel arrived. And I started right in on Quilting Lessons. I liked that it was short, self-contained chapters, just the kind of thing to read a bit of at night, before turning out the light.
It is about a woman in academia who is abruptly immobilized professionally. She is part-way through writing a book and gets stuck. It's more than writer's block. It is, I believe, depression. You can read reviews here. For me, it was an okay book. I'm fortunate to not have ever experienced depression (I get whelmed and panicky from time to time and have the occasional blue day, but never the kind of thing others have spoken of). I would have liked the book more had she included photographs of her quilts.
This isn't a book I need to keep or read again. As I said, it didn't speak to me in ways I could really relate. I'd like to pass it along, to give it to someone who might understand it better. Someone who knows what depression is, who may use quilting as a tool to beat it, much the way I proclaim that quilting is what helps me to keep body and soul together. If you are this person, or if your good friend is this person, please let me know, and I'll send it on.