One Done, One To Do

Last night I hand-stitched the binding on this quilt. While it isn't my usual kind of quilt, I do love it. Some wonderful woman had sent me a pack of Turnovers as a swap hostess gift and I pieced the top from them.

Rather surprisingly, I had almost a half yard of one of the fabrics from the line -- I'd bought it for another project, and it was enough to do the binding.

This is for a little girl who is to be born in mid-January. I hope to see her mom within the week to give it to her. The family is Vietnamese and the picture of this little girl's brother is so cute; I just know she is going to be adorable.

My granddaughter has formed a rather serious attachment to a stuffed Very Hungry Caterpillar. She calls him Charlie and never leaves home without him.

On Monday I had a flashback to having seen some VHC fabric and began an on-line search. Not only did I find fabric, but found a design, and all of the fabric precut, for a very reasonable price! I phoned the shop and spent some time talking with the nicest woman who said she did have a kit and would get it out in the mail to me that very day.

The kit came today. The fabrics are great. The directions are clear. I'm certain I can get this quilt made, tied, and bound before December 25, even if I'm binding on the 24th.

And the shop is called Tennessee Quilts. No affiliation, yadda yadds, just a super satisfied customer who would buy from them again in a minute!

Okay, now to the cutting table.


floribunda said…
That caterpillar quilt is going to be such fun! I've bought obnline from Tennessee Quilts in the past, and liked them, too.

w.v. thinger -- what I seem to call just about everything these days!
Deborah said…
Lovely baby quilt. The caterpillar quilt will be great. I had no idea such fabric existed. I'm near Philadelphia, too.
Unknown said…
Nancy you have turned into a veritable Santa's little helper - I don't doubt you'll get it finished and it will be much loved and most appreciated :o)))
Lurline said…
I'm sure you will do it too, Nancy! Love your baby quilt!
Hugs - Lurline♥
*karendianne. said…
I love the baby quilt you made out of Turnovers! What a great idea. I really really love it. They will love it. I love it. I might have to check out those Turnovers, ha?

Nancy, the VHC be so joyful for Caroline! Oh yes, how fun!!!
Micki said…
The baby quilt is just so lovely! I adore the pinks you used the pattern!
StitchinByTheLake said…
I love the pastel baby quilt. I don't know why I don't sew with pastels more than I do - they are just so soothing. And the caterpillar quilt is going to be a big hit! blessings, marlene
Juliann said…
I picked up some of this fabric and the Brown Bear fabric too. I am a big Eric Carle fan and someday (not too soon) hope to have a reason to use this fabric :)
Miriam said…
The baby quilt is gorgeous. I am sure it will be well appreciated.
I love the very hungry caterpillar designs I think your grand daughter will adore that quilt!!!
Tanya said…
What great fabric!!! I have a lot of kindergarten kids who love the Hungry Catepillar... Hmm. I'll check out the store.