Look What Kim Sent!

Got home late from work to find the mailbox full and parcels in front of the door. One parcel was a Christmas gift one of our children had bought for a spouse and had shipped here. Another parcel was our December fruit from Harry and David -- is there anything more wonderful than their pears?

And the third parcel was from Kim and is photographed right here! No, she didn't send me that big yellow cat. Or that quilt on the chair. Those are background for what she did send. Look! I won the pattern giveaway she had recently and she sent it along with a bonus: Two of her "share the love" tissue holders! Isn't that just wonderful!

Now to think who to share the second tissue holder with. Hmmmmmm. . . .

Thank you, dear Kim!


landmark lighting said…
i love to get prizes in the mail~
Pat said…
Congrats on winning the drawing! Aren't those tissue holders fun? I have started making them with my odds and ends -- the lady at Walmart thought my whole family had the plague when I bought so many tissue packs.

BTW, I love the feline Quilt Security Officer.
*karendianne. said…
How delightful. I absolutely adore those tissue holders and the fabrics she used are perfect. At least me thinks! Bo is a good parcel holder, isn't he?

reuckp: what Kingston did yesterday on the carpet that is not outside trying to air dry in frozen half-to-death temps (the carpet not the cat)
Barb said…
Congratulations on your winning ~ actually I would love the yellow kitty that is guarding your goodies! But you already said the kitty is not part of the winnings ☺, the quilt on the back is tempting too!
Guenveur in Kent said…
that is the most adorable pictuire of BO. He looks so self-satisfied, as well he might.