The Reveal!

Last night I got word from A Wonderful Person that my New Look was ready for me to tweak. I was so excited! This Wonderful Person read my recent plea for help and -- incredibly -- offered to do the work for me. I asked her about compensation and she said it was to be a Random Act of Kindness/Pay It Forward kind of arrangement. And off we went. And just look what she has done for me!

Come on -- tell her (for I believe she'll read this post and the comments) how truly terrific and spectacular it is!

I'm presently re-adding some of my Quilters links, and some (the commercial ones and the ones who don't update all that often) I'll keep on Bloglovin.

And. Watch this blog for a RAoK/PIF to be posted within the next week!

Celebrating, Near Philadelphia!


Three Birds Inspired said…
How gorgeous!! I love the header especially.

I would love to know who did it for you. I am going to need to have someone make my Hazelnut Hill blog look pretty. It is a train wreck!!
Karen said…
Beautiful! Clean and crisp, elegant. I agree, the header is amazing!
Nancy said…
What an attractive layout! Nice Job.
Sew Create It - Jane said…
Wow - looks wonderful! Looks really professional!
*karendianne. said…
Ta-Dah! is right. I absolutely love it. Of course I am not at all surprised that a the wonderful person did such a kind thing because she's JUST LIKE THAT! And I'm so thrilled you've had this exchange of kindness because, well, you're JUST LIKE THAT!

You know, this new set-up fits you well. Oh, oh, oh I'm so excited!!! The more I look the more I love. I'm going to have to go put myself away before I get out of control with my jubilation for you. (we know how that happens...)
Paula, the quilter said…
This is oddly self-serving, but I really do like the way this came out.
Judi said…
It's beautiful and the header in particular looks stunning.

Thank you so much, wonderful person, that Nancy can list her favourite quilting blogs again. Nancy's is the only blog I follow regularly, but I love being able to dip into others when I have a few minutes.

I just love RAKs too - they make the world a MUCH nicer place!

My word verification is cownifer - is this a fir tree with an odd accent or one you would find in Texas?

Have a wonderful 2010!
its wonderful, and I am so glad your quilters are back.....
Di said…
Very, very nice! She did a wonderful job!
Amy said…
Is that Header not absolutely Perfect!!! Wow, I am impressed with it and your new look! All the best to both Receipient and Designer and Gentle Readers in 2010!
Pat said…
And how long did it take to sculpt all those dancers in the header?

I love the new look. And I love having the blog roll back -- you have such great taste in blogs that I like poking around in N,NP Blogland.

Good job, Paula!!!! I am sooooo glad you didn't put COWS in the header.
Anonymous said…
Perfect!!!! This person is truly a talent! as are you!
Julie in the Barn said…
Very nice. Paula is such a generous gal.
Nancy said…
It looks great!! I might have to investigate how to do this.

Susan said…
I love it! So organized for the new year!
Anonymous said…
It really looks só professional!Can't your very own personal webdesigner write tutorials for us all? *lol*
LoieJ said…
Wonderful. Readable. Love the header. Lots of people think that a dark background is more sophisticated, but I don't think dark blogs are as readable, plus they take longer to show up on the screen.
AnnieO said…
What a very gracious and wonderful RAK! You are a lucky woman, it looks really really good and user friendly :) Kudos to the special person who helped you out.
floribunda said…
very pretty! one note: on my (work) computer, the box on the left for photobucket comes through as html code instead of a clickable picture...

wv: wanta I wanta new look for MY blog, too!
Diana said…
I love your new look. And I love all the extra "stuff" to read and look through!
Ancestor Collector said…
The new "face" for your blog looks wonderful! Nice, nice work. :-) A new year, a new look!
Laurie said…
Love it!! Very classy.

WV: ingrambo.

Graham cracker limbo. Where graham crackers who haven't been either too bad or too good go after they die.
Helen said…

I'm a bit jealous of your new format.

What a nice thing for this person to do. The world does have some...make that many...remarkable folks.

Liz said…
WOW, totally awesome. And it's so nice that it is a RAK/PIF too, sort of restores my faith that there are still folks like this out there. A very talented special person to have worked this magic on your behalf
Julia said…
Looks great...Beautiful! Clean and crisp, easy to read..
She did a great job.
Julia ♥
Salem Stitcher said…
Love it! Love it! LOVE IT!!
Lurline said…
Wonderful, Nancy - I need the full story, please - I will email you!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Miriam said…
Love it!!!

A new look for the New Year!

Happy New Year Nancy!
Juliann said…
what a beautiful new format you have! and how kind of Paula to help you - Happy New Year!
Anonymous said…
I get the same thing as florabunda - no picture, just gibberish and I could not delete the block. This is on my home computer, the only one I have!!
Guenveur in Kent said…
I like the layout. There's something that doens't appear aournd the comment line - just a little square with a red x in it. Could be my computer, or browser.I also think the dancing ladies are a little overwhelming, a bit too big. But the three column layout is really neat and the font of the header is interesting.I am in awe of people who can do this sort of
thing.What a nice person she is to do this for you.
*karendianne. said…
I think the banner is fantastic!
Nancy said…
Ok I really like the look; and I'm thinking I want to set mine up like this too.

Can I have the name of your teacher?


Quiltdivajulie said…
I think it is MARVELOUS . . . on every level.