Comment Amnesty

My mailbox has a couple of hundred messages in it. Most of them are comments that you have so thoughtfully left. And that I really intended/hoped/planned to answer. And we all know how that goes.
So I'm claiming a kind of comment amnesty in Light (pun intended) of the season. I'm going to forgive myself for not getting them answered and delete them. Please know that I read every one.
Perhaps this could be the start of a blogworldwide Comment Amnesty for all of those who are drowning in unanswered emails. If I had the time and skill, I'd develop a Comment Amnesty button for the sidebar that people could grab and post. That would be splendid. But if I had that kind of time and skill, I wouldn't be in this predicament!
And there's no picture above because (a) I Google-imaged "amnesty" and couldn't bear to use any of what came up and (b) I didn't think about the road to hell until I was well into the post.
Prolly just as well.
Please: Join me in holiday stress reduction by claiming Comment Amnesty for yourself!
Breathing Easier, near Philadelphia
Merry Christmas and no need to reply to this comment!
Hugs - Lurline♥