Home Stretch

This is the fourth-to-last of the indigo and caramel baskets.  I had a very hard time getting this one made tonight.  I kept getting confused as to which of my indigos corresponded with Piecemeal's pink, red, yellow, light blue, dark blue, and green!  Plus I had no extra background fabric whatsoever, so I dared not make any kind of an error.  At last it is done, and Blackberry seems to like it just fine.

I've been thinking about the lay-out for these blocks.  I had pretty much assumed I would make five rows of five blocks each, set on point, with some sort of other fabric as the alternate.  That is the layout I'm committed to for the Baskets for Bill.  But do I want two basket quilts with the same lay-out?  I'll have enough for a queen size quilt.  I've looked at Piecemeal's suggested layout and while I like it just fine, I'm afraid that there is already too much going on with these blocks -- many made by different people with many different fabrics -- to go with that particular lay-out.  I'll have to think it through. 


Pat said…
You know, that green background looks kinda nice with that block. Prolly wouldn't work for the whole quilt, but it's nice with that block.

Blackberry is turning out to be quite the Quality Control Manager. He is the cutest darned thing -- if he's ever missing, you'll know who took him.

pultriat: a true believer in the Purdue Nation.
Anonymous said…
First, lovely block! That's one of my favorites, because I wanted to do something different with the handle so I just started drawing lines.

Have you seen the Sewline mechanical pencils? They come with white, pink, yellow, green or black lead. The lead is ceramic, so it "erases" very easily with just a little rubbing or a damp cloth. Maybe you can lightly write the "color" on your fabric so you don't get them mixed up.

As for the setting, what about a simple on point setting, with sashing that matches the setting triangles, and maybe some high contrast cornerstones? Because I can't help myself, I played with your colors in EQ6, and you can see two possibilities here and here.
*karendianne. said…
Friend I'm diggin' seeing Blackberry in the picture. This is my new favorite thing!!!
Quiltdivajulie said…
I don't usually work with indigo and caramel (love saying and hearing those words together) but I am LOVING the variety in your growing assortment of blocks ... just enough relationship but so much personality in each one. LOVELY!