
Row, Row, Row Your Boat is a flimsy! And I'm delighted with it. As I mentioned earlier, I think, I ordinarily don't buy quilt patterns, much less kits. But I had seen this one at the Fat Quarter Shop and loved the idea of orange with the blues instead of red. My darling husband has a small sailboat that sometimes I believe he loves more than me, and I thought he would like it if I made this quilt for one of the littlies. With Nate expecting a brother or sister in about two and a half months, I thought this was the perfect occasion -- to make this terrific quilt to take to Nate when we go to Richmond to meet Whoever.

I started it back in February and then put it aside until Saturday. I spent pretty many hours on Saturday and Sunday working on it and put the final outside borders on tonight. And I couldn't be happier with it! Planning to take it to the machinist next week.

I had a lot of time to sew this weekend because Joe had gone down to Richmond to help Tom and Anastasia with some sort of soffit venting that needed doing. He took Blackberry along (and apparently he and Nate have become serious friends), so I had the whole weekend to myself. I went to a play, enjoyed my sister's company, dined out with a friend, spent much of one day sewing with five other friends, ran errands, did a little shopping, and didn't have to answer to anyone. It was an excellent weekend.

But I was awfully happy to see You Know Who come in the door this evening, with his four-legged friend close by his side.


Ms. Jan said…
1. I love this quilt! 2. I love how the boats are sailing in different directions. 3. I love that the kids are going old-style and not finding out the gender of the baby!! The joy of finding out on baby's birth-day is one of the nicest surprises ever! xo
quiltmom anna said…
Sounds like you had a fun filled weekend and got lots accomplished too.
I sure that Joe will love it - It is always nice when your loved ones return home- even if they are only gone for a short time.
Pamela Kieffer said…
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Paula, the quilter said…
What a wonderful quilt! I love nautical, but then I come from a Navy family.
Pati said…
I love this quilt! I almost bought the kit from the FQS, but I didn't. I doubt that my little man will be a nautical type. It is such a cute pattern!! Glad you enjoyed your weekend with your friends and sister.
LizA. said…
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this quilt! Sailing used to be a huge part of my life long, long ago. Aren't weekends alone just wonderful?
Janet O. said…
I couldn't believe my eyes! You put this quilt together mighty fast, woman! It looks super! I'm sure it will be loved.
Sounds like a lovely weekend. You need one of those every now and then. : )
Jindi's Cottage said…
What a fun quilt...well done...
Pat said…
Love this quilt! What with Grandpop's penchant for sailing, the nautical theme is just perfect. You did a wonderful job.
Gari in AL said…
When I first saw your cute quilt I thought it should be called "Whichever the Wind Blows." Very nice. I, too, don't do patterns, maybe 2, and have only bought kits (1) but never made one. You did a really good job with yours.
AnnieO said…
Really really sweet sailboats. I've only bought a couple of kits but sometimes it is nice to let someone else do the math! Glad you had a fun weekend pottering about and sewing.
Anonymous said…
Adorable quilt. Lucky little grandson.