Everything Fits!

I only need to take in the waist elastic on the pink skirt. And I've already bought another pattern.  And scheduled a buttonhole lesson for the Bernina and ordered a buttonhole attachment for the Featherweight.

Project Runway, here I come!


Janet O. said…
The quilting world has lost you to the fashion world! We will miss you! : )
So very sweet, Nancy. She looks adorable in your creations!
Three Birds Inspired said…
So cute! I love the second pic with her "ta da" pose!!
Amy said…
Absolutely adorable - outfits and granddaughter! More, more!
Bonnie said…
I love your results! More encouragement for me to try. My older grand-daughter is in Australia so more difficult to get anything to her. The closer one is not one yet so I guess I should get busy and make something for her Birthday.
Karrin Hurd said…
Just gorgeous on a beautiful little girl!
Quiltdivajulie said…
What fun for you and how wonderful for her!
Pat said…
I know you had fun making these, but she is obviously having even more fun modeling them. The joy on her face is priceless. I am looking forward to seeing more of your charming creations, G'mom!
Salem Stitcher said…
Gosh, she is a cutie pie!