I'll Have What She's Having

For the longest time, I've been wanting to make a Dresden Plate quilt. This summer it will be three years, I think, since I bought the tool. But nothing has happened. I've entertained various ideas. I've examined the plates on the blogs. I've pulled out and fondled fabrics (Batiks on black? Contemporary on Kona snow?). But no more than that.  All at once, though, I know what kind of DP I want to make.  I have this great big tub of CWs, all kinds of CWs, and that's what I'll use for the blades. I haven't decided about the background(s) yet. Am thinking shirtings, but that isn't a definite. I do know I want the kind of blades that point, not the rounded ones.

Having Row, Row, Row Your Boat and Brian-Erin complete to flimsy stage (they're both going off to the machinist next week), it seems I should be entitled to start something new. I promise to dig out a UFO to use for leader-endering.  Oh, my -- the fingers are just itching to get started! 

And, no, that's not a picture of Turbo luxuriating at White Oak. It's something I downloaded from the Bunny Hill Blog. Whoever she is, it's pretty obvious that she's having a most wonderful time. I intend to join her. Forthwith.


Three Birds Inspired said…
Now that I have seen the photo, I know what the hub bub is about. I said I would never do a Dresden but I am thinking very seriously about changing my mind!
Salem Stitcher said…
I've done a couple "dazzling dresdens" which is a similar process to stack-n-whack and enjoyed the process immensely. I like the idea of CW dresdens. I can't wait to see!
Quiltdivajulie said…
Congrats on reaching the "now" stage ... I, too, am prone to over-pondering an idea (what colors, what style, etc.). CW fabrics will make beautiful dresdens (I prefer the pointy ones, too).

(multiple, companionable, lightly patterned background fabrics rather than all one solid would be my vote)
Paula, the quilter said…
Have you checked out Bunny Hill plate-along? Here's a link: http://bunnyhillblog.com/free-patterns/
Janet O. said…
Love that photo, Nancy! I see some pretty recent Jo Morton prints in there. The dresden plate quilt will be beautiful in the CW fabrics.
JudyCinNC said…
I loved that picture on Bunny Hill blog - good luck with your Dresdens - they are so fun to make - my problem is I gave mine away. And the rest of the day to yourself. JC