Another Weekend of 4T

Quilty content to return someday soon!


quiltmom anna said…
I love the purple pansy one- the fabric is glorious and the pattern sweet- she is going to love all those dresses from her grandma.
Have a great week.
Regards from Western Canada,
Gretchen said…
Adorable outfits! Love the purple dress:)
cityquilter grace said…
she is going to grow up to be a serious fashionista i do believe...adorable things and so much fun to do i'm sure...
LizA. said…
Sew Granny sew! Love the pansies and the polka dots.....
Pat said…
They are wonderful, and I just adore that pansy print! Do they have buttons? I'm button-hole phobic
Dogwood Lane Rambles said…
I haven't sewn a garment in 30 years but now that I have a granddaughter after after all my sons and grandsons I'm ready to plunge back in. The patterns are just too cute and you are inspiring me.
Linda K said…
What a fun weekend you had. Quilts will wait for you, I'm sure. Size 4T, not so much. Enjoy yourself!
Ray said…
So cute!! Lucky granddaughter!!
Judi said…
These outfits are gorgeous, Nancy!

Judi said…
These outfits are gorgeous, Nancy!
